The Roswell Incident
The Roswell incident is an event that took place in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico and has become a center of conspiracy theories involving UFOs and extraterrestrials. It began when a rancher named Mac Brazel found something unusual in his sheep pasture, which turned out to be a mess of metallic sticks. The event occurred amid the flying saucer craze of 1947 when media nationwide had reported civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold's story of seeing what became known as Flying Saucers.
The Roswell incident has fascinated people for decades and many have claimed to be involved in the event. One of the key players was Walter Haut, who revealed everything he knew about the incident to his daughter after carrying the secret for years. Another key player was Stanton Friedman, a Canadian nuclear physicist who met an Air Force officer who had been there, and who contributed to the popularisation of the Roswell incident.
The Roswell incident is also associated with various places, including the Roswell Army Airfield, where a press release was issued stating that the military had recovered a flying saucer that had crashed, and the debris was taken to the base for examination. The ranch where the debris was found was located near Corona, about 75 miles from Roswell, New Mexico. The spaceship that looks like a flying saucer in Roswell is a popular tourist attraction that draws hundreds of visitors every day and is located on North Main Street.
In conclusion, the Roswell incident is a well-known event that has sparked numerous conspiracy theories and has fascinated people for decades. The incident involved the discovery of debris that was believed to be from a UFO crash, and various people, including key players like Walter Haut and Stanton Friedman, have been associated with the event. The incident also has several associated places, such as the Roswell Army Airfield, the ranch near Corona where the debris was found, and the spaceship that looks like a flying saucer in Roswell, which is a popular tourist attraction.
The only Roswell Documentary you need to watch, this is the one that started the reignition of the subject of Roswell, UFO's and ultimately the disclosure projects we see today. R.I.P. Stanton Friedman, who deserves a posthumous mention.
July 1, 1947
July 2, 1947
Violent electrical Storm
An object is observed flying over Roswell, New Mexico.
Wreckage is discovered with bodies inside on the plains of San Augustin 120 miles from the Roswell Site.
"Mac" Brazel hears a crash that isn't thunder
July 3, 1947
"Mac" Brazel discovers debris on his ranch near Roswell after riding out in his fields with neighbour's son Proctor, Timothy D.
"Mac" Brazel drives to Floyd and Loretta Proctor's house to show them a piece of wreckage. He asks them to come and see the wreckage but they don't.
July 7, 1947
Brazel contacts the Roswell sheriff(Who took this call?), who contacts the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF)(who took this call?).
July 7/8, 1947
Major Jesse Marcel Sr. an intelligence officer with the RAAF, inspects the debris and describes it as "not of this world."
July 8, 1947
Statement 1 - The RAAF specifically Colonel William H. Blanchard issues a press release stating that it has recovered a "flying disk" from a ranch near Roswell.
Statement 2 - Brigadier General Roger Ramey holds a press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, displaying debris from a weather balloon and retracting the RAAF's earlier statements about a flying disk.
The incident remains relatively obscure until conspiracy theories about a government cover-up and extraterrestrial involvement begin to emerge.
An episode of the TV show "Unsolved Mysteries" features the Roswell incident and leads to renewed public interest. Anderson, Gerald describes his story around the incident.
The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force conducts an exhaustive search for records in response to a General Accounting Office inquiry into the Roswell incident. The report concludes that the debris was from a weather balloon and that there was no evidence of a government cover-up.
Materials secured through a Freedom of Information Act request suggest that the Pentagon has admitted to testing wreckage from UFO crashes, and that the debris may be from the Roswell incident.
Eye Witnesses & Directly Involved
Public Witnesses
Gerald Anderson was a witness who claimed to have seen a 35-foot silver disc that had crashed into a ridge allegedly 175 miles northwest of Roswell.
Claimed to have found wreckage and bodies on the Plains of San Agustin, about 120 miles from where Mac Brazel found wreckage.
Mac Brazel is best known for his alleged discovery of debris from the Roswell UFO crash.
William Brazel was the son of Mac Brazel, the rancher who discovered debris from the alleged Roswell UFO crash.
Glenn Dennis (1925-2015) was a mortician in Roswell, New Mexico, who is known for his self-professed involvement in the Roswell incident.Duran, Albert LovejoyWitness to the Roswell crash site (CRASH SITE WITNESS)
Staff reporter for the "Fort Worth Star Telegram." He took photographs of the "wreckage" in General Ramey's office.
Reporter and announcer for Roswell radio station KGFL. He interviewed Mac Brazel on the telephone before the military arrived and later told a different story.
Daughter of Sheriff George A. Wilcox. She saw the military arrive very soon after he father called them.
Ranch hand of Mac Brazel's. His some came home from school one day in 1988 reported an Air Force truck in the area.
Neighbor of Mac Brazel. He had gotten thrown off the Foster ranch by the military while chasing a stray cow. He knew exactly where the crash site was.
Mac Brazel's nearest neighbor and husband of Loretta Proctor. Brazel came to their house to show them a piece of the metal.
Mac Brazel's nearest Neighbor and wife of Floyd Proctor. She said she remembers her husband trying to whittle on the metal but failing to make a mark.
Son of Floyd and Loretta Proctor. He found the crash site with Mac Brazel.
Frankie Rowe was the daughter of a crew chief for the Roswell Fire Department at the time of the Roswell incident.Wilmot, DanResident of Roswell, N.M. He and his wife saw an oval- shaped object fly over their house on July 2, 1947, the probable date of the crash.
Neighbor of Mac Brazel. He saw Brazel in Roswell being escorted out of the newspaper offices by three military officers.
Neighbor of Mac Brazel, wife of Lymann Strickland. An upset Brazel visited them after his release from custody at Roswell Army Air Field.
Hand for Mac Brazel. He began to work about one month after the crash and remembers that Brazel was irritated because the sheep would not cross the debris field and had to be driven the long way around to water.
Corporate Witnesses
McBoyle, Johnny
Station Manager of radio station KSWS, Roswell, New Mexico. He attempted to put the Roswell story out over the wire. McQuiddy, Art
Editor "Roswell Morning Dispatch". Walter Hunt delivered a press release to him, which other military personnel later tried to retrieve. Roberts, Jud
Minority owner of radio station KGFL, Roswell, New Mexico. He said the military picked up copies of Haut's press release from the media there. Sleepy, Lydia
Secretary to Merle Tucker in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was ordered over the telephone to stop transmitting the crash story. Tucker, Merle
Owner of several New Mexico radio stations. He arrived back from out of town to find that his Roswell station manager had tried to put the crash story out over the wire. Whitmore, Walter Sr.
Majority owner of radio station KGFL in Roswell, New Mexico. He hid Mac Brazel from the Military. Corroborative Witnesses
Henderson, Sappho
Wife of Pappy Henderson. She was told by her husband that he had flown the C-54 to Wright Field. Maltais, L.W. "Vern"
Said Barney Barnett had told him he had seen bodies in one- piece grey suits, after which archaeologists and the military arrived. Porter, Sergeant Robert
Crewman on the B-29 that flow packages from Roswell Army Air Field to Fort Worth Army Air Field. He claims that Jesse Marcel was on the flight. Shirkey, Robert
Saw wreckage taken by eight or nine men through the Operations Building at Roswell Army Air Field. Zorn, Vernon D.
Non-commissioned officer in charge of the Third Photo Unit at Roswell Army Air Field. He said no photos of the crash site were taken by his men.Official Witnesses
Armstrong, Captain
Collected pieces of the crash from the Brazels two years after the crash.Ordered the press release announcing the recovery of a flying saucer, later retracted. Commander, 509th Bomb Group, Roswell Army Air Field. Upon seeing the material collected at the site by Major Jesse A. Marcel, he ordered the roads leading to the crash site blocked, and later made a special trip to the site.
Briley, Lt. Colonel Joe
In mid-July, 1947 he became the Operations Officer at Roswell Army Air Base. Brown, Dr. Jerry
NASA engineer who had worked at White Sands Missile Range. He speculated that the metal found was Duraluminum alloy or a V-2 rocket.Brown, Eileen
Secretary to Major Jesse Marcel
Brown, Sergeant Melvin E. Was at the second site, guarding the truck containing alien bodies. He also guarded the hanger at Roswell Army air Field while crates from the site were held there.Cavitt, Major Edwin E.
Led the team of military personnel who recovered the wreckage. Cavitt, Sheridan
Counterintelligence Corps Officer who investigated the Roswell incident
Chavez, Senator Dennis
US Senator from New Mexico. He supposedly called Walter Whitmore, Sr. and suggested that he not air the recorded interview with Mac Brazel. Clark, Deputy, B.A.
Took the initial report from Mac Brazel at the Chaves County sheriff's office. Chief of Staff to Brigadier General Roger Ramey. He was photographed in Ramey's office with the "debris." He was second in command at USAAF Fort Worth Field, later called Carswell Air Force Base, in July of 1947 [7]. On July 8, 1947, he was ordered by the commanding officer to issue an unprecedented press release, stating that the debris found in Roswell, New Mexico, was from a weather balloon, which contradicts previous statements that the debris was from a crashed flying saucer [2]. Colonel Dubose later confirmed the weather balloon story in several interviews, stating that he had never seen any evidence of a crashed UFO or alien bodies [8]. Therefore, although he was not a witness to the Roswell crash site itself, he played a significant role in the aftermath and the official narrative surrounding the incident.
Provost Marshal in charge of the troops clearing the crash site.
Exon, Colonel Arthur
Base Commander at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Gardner, Norma Typist with top security clearance at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. She typed autopsy reports on alien beings and saw two bodies.
Public Information Officer at Roswell Army Air Field. He was ordered by Colonel Blanchard to issue a press release stating that a flying disc had been recovered.
Henderson, Captain Oliver W. "Pappy" (CRASH SITE 1 WITNESS)
- Member, First Air Transport Unit, Roswell Army Air Field, and co-pilot of the first B-29 flight from Roswell to Fort Worth. He also was the pilot of a C-54 flight carrying wreckage from Roswell to Wright-Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio. Jennings, Colonel Payne
Deputy base and group commander at Roswell Army Air Field. He was the pilot of the first B-29 flight from Roswell to Fort Worth. Kaufman, Lt. Colonel Richard Former Air Force Public Information Officer who worked at Wright-Patterson AFB
Lapaz, Dr. Lincoln
Expert in meteorites; degrees in mathematics and astronomy. He was called in to investigate the crash site. Lovejoy, Lieutenant Colonel Albert M. (intelligence officer)
Intelligence Officer at Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office. He picked up material at the ranch and later flew it to Fort Worth Army Air Field.
Son of Jesse A. Marcel. He saw debris samples that his father brought home and, under hypnosis, was able to recall the designs marking the I-beam.
Newton, Warrant Office Irving
Weather officer at Fort Worth Army Air Field. He was ordered to General Ramey's office to identify the "wreckage." a Rawin target balloon. Commander, eight Air Force, of which the 509th Bomb Group was a part.
Rickett, Lewis S.
Army counter-intelligence (CIC) agent, who assisted in the retrieval of debris from the crash site. Smith, Sergeant Robert E.
Member of the First Air Transport Unit at Roswell Army Air Field. He spent an entire day loading three aircraft with the material from the crash site. Thomas, Robert (CRASH SITE 1 WITNESS)
Warrant Officer who came in on a special flight to assist in recovery of debris. Wilcox, Sheriff George A.
Sheriff of Chaves County, in which Roswell is located. Mac Brazel showed him a piece of the debris and he suggested Brazel contact the military. Speculative Involvement / Post Research
Barrowclough, Lt. Colonel Robert
Executive Officer of Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell, New Mexico. Foster, Iris
- Owned a cafe in Taos, New Mexico. She often heard a man call "Cactus Jack," an amateur archeologist, talk about seeing a downed alien ship. Gardner, Mary Ann
- Nurse at St. Petersburg Hospital, Florida. She heard an archeologist on her deathbed tell about discovering an alien ship and bodies. Kaufman, Frank
Friend of Warrant Officer Robert Thomas. He said the bodies were sealed in a wooden crate, while still at the hospital. Sheridan, Brigadier General Thomas J.
Commander of the Army Air Force Tactical Center who may have been involved in the investigation of the crash. unsorted
Easley, Edwin M. Jr. - Roswell Base Weather Officer
Fogus, Charles H. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Haut, Walter G. - Public Information Officer at Roswell Army Air Field
Haut, Walter M. - Son of Walter Haut, Public Information Officer at Roswell Army Air Field
Kaufmann, Frank - Reporter for radio station KGFL who covered the Roswell incident
Marcel, Jesse A. III - Son of Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the recovery of the Roswell debris
Marcel, Jesse Sr. - Father of Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the recovery of the Roswell debris
Marcel Jr., Major Jesse - Intelligence Officer who recovered debris from the Roswell crash site
Moore, Charles B. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Porter, Robert - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Proctor, Floyd - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Proctor, Loretta - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Ragsdale, James R. "Jim" - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Rowe, Frankie - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Shirkey, Robert B. - Reporter for the Roswell Daily Record who covered the Roswell incident
Shirkey, Robert H. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Smith, Robert M. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Stallings, Geraldine "Jeri" - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Taylor, Frankie D. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Trowbridge, Jack - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wilcox, Inez - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wimberly, Sherrel J. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Woody, William - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Boyer, Frank - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Henderson, Jim - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Kimble, Walter - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Lewis, Frankie - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Manchester, Oliver - Intelligence Officer who investigated the Roswell incident
McAndrew, James - United States Air Force Captain who wrote the official report on the Roswell incident
Mc Brazel, Jr., Vernon - Son of Mac Brazel, the rancher who found the Roswell debris
Ochs, Mack - Reporter for the Roswell Daily Record who covered the Roswell incident
Proctor, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Rickett, Bill - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Roberts, Edwin - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Schmitt, Dr. Edgar - Geologist who analyzed the Roswell debris
Slusher, Dan - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Streeter, Robert - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wilcox, E.B. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Blake, Vernon - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Bond, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Ennis, Bill - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Gildenberg, Dr. Howard - Physician who treated Jesse Marcel Jr. and examined the Roswell debris
Karnes, James - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Lovekin, Richard - Witness to the Roswell crash site
McDaniel, Albert - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Saxon, Trudy - Daughter of Frank Kaufmann, who covered the Roswell incident for radio station KGFL
Schmitt, Tom - Investigator and researcher of the Roswell incident
Smith, Gerald W. - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Weaver, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Rudiak, Kevin - Physicist who analyzed photographs of the Roswell debris
Schmitt, Don - Investigator and researcher of the Roswell incident, brother of Dr. Edgar Schmitt
Sheaffer, Robert - Skeptic and investigator of the Roswell incident
Spencer, Dr. David R. - Research scientist who analyzed materials allegedly from the Roswell crash
Stringfield, Leonard H. - Researcher and author of several books about UFOs and the Roswell incident
Todd, Joe - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wilcox, Max - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wood, Dr. Robert M. - Research scientist who analyzed materials allegedly from the Roswell crash
Ziegler, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Balch, David - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Barclay, Bud - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Cavitt, Thomas - Counterintelligence Corps Officer who investigated the Roswell incident
De Haven, William - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Friedman, Stanton - Ufologist who conducted numerous interviews with witnesses and researchers regarding the Roswell incident
Kaufmann, Andy - Son of Frank Kaufmann, who covered the Roswell incident for radio station KGFL
LeBleu, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Ragsdale, Robert - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Ramey, General Roger - Commander of the Eighth Air Force and responsible for issuing the press release that downplayed the Roswell incident
Shockley, Vernon - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Strickland, Arthur - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Swisher, John - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Taylor, Gerald - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Trakowski, Leo - Former Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the Air Force who wrote the 1994 Air Force report on the Roswell incident
Weinbrenner, Jack - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Whitted, William - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Woodman, Jack - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Wozniak, Walter - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Zinni, Anthony - Retired United States Marine Corps General who investigated the Roswell incident
Alexander, John - Witness to the Roswell crash site
Anderson, Bill - Son of Gerald Anderson, who witnessed the Roswell crash site
Berlitz, Charles - Co-author of "The Roswell Incident," one of the earliest books on the subject
Carey, Thomas - Roswell researcher and author of several books on the subject
Friedman, Jesse - Son of Stanton Friedman and researcher on the Roswell incident
Howe, Linda - Investigative journalist and author of several books on UFOs and the Roswell incident
Pflock, Karl - Author and investigator of the Roswell incident
Randle, Kevin - Author and researcher of the Roswell incident
Schmidt, Dr. M.S. - Former executive director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and investigator of the Roswell incident
Stringfield, Robert - Researcher and author of several books on UFOs and the Roswell incident
Valdez, Jr., Gabe - Sheriff's officer who responded to the scene of the Roswell crash
Post Event Research
Stanton Friedman was an American nuclear physicist and professional ufologist, born on July 29, 1934, and died on May 13, 2019. He was based in Fredericton, Canada, with his wife and daughter, and was considered the leading authority on UFOs and alien abductions, earning him the nickname "father of Roswell".
Kevin Randle is a prominent ufologist and a military veteran, often regarded as one of the preeminent experts on the reported crash within the UFO community.
Donald Schmitt is a prominent UFO researcher who has dedicated nearly three decades to investigating the Roswell incident.
Karl Tomlinson Pflock was a prominent American researcher of the Roswell incident, a CIA intelligence officer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration, strategic planner, and author of both fiction and non-fiction.
David Rudiak is known for his research and expertise in the Roswell incident. Rudiak is specifically recognized for his research on the details of the Roswell crash retrieval, especially Lieutenant General Roger Ramey's so-called memo.
Thomas J. Carey is a researcher, author, and lecturer who has spent over 30 years investigating the Roswell incident. He holds a master's degree in anthropology and previously possessed a Top Secret Air Force security clearance.
Dennis Balthaser
is a retired engineer and Roswell researcher who has been investigating the Roswell incident for over 30 years. He is a former president of the UFO Museum in Roswell and has written extensively on the subject, including several books.
Balthaser's research focuses on the physical evidence associated with the Roswell incident, including witness testimony, official documents, and artifacts that have been recovered from the alleged crash site. He has also investigated other UFO-related incidents in the southwestern United States.
Balthaser has been a frequent guest on radio and television programs discussing the Roswell incident and has spoken at conferences and symposiums around the world. He has also been involved in efforts to preserve the history of the Roswell incident and to promote responsible research and investigation of UFO-related phenomena.
Overall, Dennis Balthaser is a respected figure in the field of UFO research and is known for his meticulous and thoughtful approach to investigating the Roswell incident. While there are many different perspectives on what happened at Roswell in 1947, Balthaser's contributions to the field have helped to advance our understanding of this important event.
Donald Burleson
Richard Dolan
Jerry Morelock
Simon Schollum
Maps of the area
Mind Map with timeline and associated people
Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us by Jim Marrs
Cover-Up at Roswell: Exposing the 70-Year Conspiracy to Suppress the Truth by Donald R. SchmittCrash: When UFOs Fall from the Sky by Kevin Randle and Russ Estes
Incident at Roswell: The True Story by Charles BerlitzIncident at Roswell 2: Faces of the Enemy by Craig McDonoughRoswell: A Novel by Donald Burleson
Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection by Joseph P. Farrell
Roswell and the Russians by Jim Marrs
Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt
Roswell: Uncovering the Secrets of Area 51 and the Fatal Encounter by J.P. Robinson
Secrets of the Mysterious Valley by Christopher O'Brien
The Day After Roswell by Philip J. Corso and William J. BirnesThe Roswell Coverup by Donald E. Keyhoe
"The Roswell Incident" by Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore "The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site" by Jesse Marcel Jr.The Roswell Report: Fact versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert by James McAndrew
The Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Exposing A Shocking And Sinister Secret by Nick Redfern
The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt
UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin RandleUNDERSTANDING ROSWELL: The True Story of What Happened by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. SchmittWitness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-Up by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. SchmittThe Roswell Incident: An Eyewitness Account by Frank Kaufmann
Roswell: The Real Story by Ingo Swann
Roswell and the Star Travelers by Lee Martin
Roswell: The Naked Truth by Michael D. Swords
Roswell: A History of the UFO Crash by Don Berliner
The Roswell Incident: Case Closed by David S. Rudiak
Roswell and the Secret History of the UFO by Jerome Clark
Roswell, the Gauntlet Has Been Dropped by Earl L. Williams
Roswell: The Untold Story by Karl Pflock
Roswell: Final Witness by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt
Roswell: The Hidden Truth by Randall Fitzgerald
Roswell: UFO Crash Site or Military Cover-Up? by Nicholas Redfern
The Roswell Legacy: The Roswell Incident and the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life by Randall Nickerson
Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case Reopened by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt
The Roswell Enigma by Paul Davids
The Roswell Discrepancy: A Human Romance in Three Parts by Mark O'Connell
The Roswell Affair: A Story of Aliens, Conspiracies, and the Cold War by Tim McMillan
The Roswell Report: A Historical Perspective by United States Air Force
Roswell and the Reich: A Cosmic Conspiracy by Joseph P. Farrell
Roswell: Secrecy, Silence, and Sinister Government Intrigue by Nick Redfern
The Roswell Ufo Crash: What They Don't Want You To Know by Kal K. Korff
Roswell's Final Witness: The True Story of How a Lone Inventor Found the Truth Behind the Roswell Conspiracy by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt
Roswell: The Alien Connection by Darrell Sims
The Roswell File by Donald E. Keyhoe