Ezekiel's Vison

The incident of Ezekiel's vision is described in the Book of Ezekiel in the Bible. Ezekiel was a priest who lived in Babylon as one of the captive exiles during the time of King Jehoiachin's exile. His vision is believed to have occurred around 593 to 571 BCE.

In the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, it is mentioned that the prophet had a vision of a great cloud with flashing lightning and a fire that appeared to be glowing in the center, which contained four living creatures that had the form of men, but with four faces and four wings each. The living creatures were accompanied by wheels that appeared to be beside each of them and moved in a coordinated fashion. Above the living creatures was a throne that looked like sapphire, on which sat the likeness of a man.

Ezekiel was by the river of Chebar when he had this vision. The vision itself took place in Babylon, where Ezekiel lived as an exile, and was meant to provide hope and encouragement to the people of Israel during their captivity.

In addition to Ezekiel, there were no other witnesses mentioned during the vision, although it is recorded that he recounted his experience to others later on. The vision is one of six that are recorded in the Book of Ezekiel, and it serves as an important prophetic sign for the people of Israel.