Gerald Anderson
Summary of Connection to the Case
Summary of Connection to the Case
Gerald Anderson was a witness who claimed to have seen a 35-foot silver disc that had crashed into a ridge allegedly 175 miles northwest of Roswell. He came forward with his story in the wake of the January 1990 rebroadcast of an Unsolved Mysteries TV special about Roswell. Anderson claimed that his family took the car and drove right out onto the plains and stumbled on the crashed craft. Anderson's story began to gain attention in the UFO community, and UFOlogist Kevin Randle interviewed him over the phone on February 4, 1990. In addition to his initial account of the event, Anderson claimed that he was asked to keep quiet about what he saw and that he was visited by two military men dressed in plain clothes who warned him to keep quiet. Anderson's story was not without its detractors, and there are those who have accused him of fabricating his account. Nonetheless, Anderson's testimony was notable for its inclusion in various Roswell documentaries and its use in books and articles about the Roswell incident.